Ändern oder stornieren Sie Ihre Bestellung


Accidentally order the wrong item or change your mind?

To change or cancel your order, please first find your order confirmation email that was sent to you.

Forward that email to support@graffittibox.com and adjust the subject line to read "Order Cancel Request" or "Order Edit Request".

In the email please tell us your order number and what you would like to do:

  • To Cancel your order – Please just let us know that you would like to cancel your order.
  • To Edit your order – Please instruct us as to what items you would like removed or added to your order.
You can contact us online or social software to modify the order.

In addition to sending emails, you can also contact us on online channels and social software (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter). In order to facilitate faster follow-up or cancellation of orders.

Note before changing or canceling an order!

NOTE: Once your order has been modified and your package has shipped, you will not be able to cancel or edit your order.

You will receive a new email confirmation confirming your new order or your requested cancelation.



We'd love to hear from you about our customer service, merchandise, collaborations, or anything else you'd like to share with us. Your comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Please fill out the form below.

RM4, 16th Floor, Ho King Commercial Center, Kowloon, Hong Kong 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok



Everyday 9:00-17:00